Most valued (all values)
Greatest diversity of values
Scenic hotspots
Recreation hotspots
Biological hotspots
Spiritual/intrinsic hotspots
Prefer more protection
More resource use hotspots
No development hotspots
Quick Navigation
All Victoria
Melbourne area
Mornington Pen. NP
Port Campbell NP
Dandenong Rngs NP
Grampians NP
Yarra Ranges NP
Otways NP
Wilsons Prom NP
Alpine NP
Mt Buffalo NP
Guide to Victorian Public Land Values and Preferences
In 2014, we asked Victorians to identify and map public land values across the entire state. They could map the following landscape values: Scenic, Recreation, Economic, Biological, Life Sustaining, Science/education, Heritage, Spiritual, Therapeutic, Intrinsic/existence, and Wilderness values. We also asked what changes they would like to see(or not see) in public land management. Options ranged from stronger protection (conservation of public lands) to greater utilization (resource extraction or use or public lands). Over 1900 people participated in the study mapping over 35,000 public land locations (about 30,000 values and 5000 preferences). This website allows you to view some of the results.
1.To view the public land values and preferences, click on to see the results as Google Maps overlays. You can turn the different map layers on/off by checking the boxes.
2.Use the "Quick Navigation" dropdown menu to easily move to different locatiions in Victoria.
3.The data was collected as points. Higher concentrations of points are shown by colours that range from lighter colour such as yellow (fewer points) to darker colour such as red (more points).
4.You can close the web browser when done.
5.More information about the study will be available later in 2014.
Life sustaining
Other value
Improve conservation/protection
Add recreation facilities
Add tourism services/development
Improve access
Improve bushfire protection
Resource extraction
Resource use
Decrease or limit access
No development
Other preference
Move your mouse over an icon category to see its description.