Urban Daily Life and Travel Study

Project description

The influence of residential relocation, as a life event, on travel behavior has become the focus of research on determinants of travel behavior in recent years. Although several studies have investigated the influence of changes in the built environment of the residential environment, the complex relationships between the built environment, travel attitudes, and travel behavior has remained controversial. One crucial research gap in this area is the paucity of longitudinal and semi-longitudinal research designs that could capture the influence of changes in the built environment, activity space dispersion, car and bike ownership, latent attitudes towards travel, as well as travel behavior, and the interrelationships between these factors. This study attempts to fill this gap by collecting retrospective travel behavior and attitudinal data in Helsinki Metropolitan Area using an online map-based survey tool (maptionnaire). In total, 1321 residents who had relocated to a new residential location between three to eleven months prior to the survey date participated in the study. The study collected data related to common home-based trips during a typical week in September 2017 and September 2018, stated change in the use of different modes of transport after the move, as well as socio-demographic, and attitudinal data before and after the move.

Results of this postdoc study of Samira Ramezani indicated the existence of reciprocal influences between changes in car and bike ownership, travel attitudes, and travel behavior. It was also found that the built environment can modify and change travel related attitudes and influence activity space dispersion, which in turn affects travel behavior. The results of this study support the effectiveness of nudging approaches rather than marketing activities in changing travel attitudes and encouraging sustainable travel behavior.

Research themes

Active living and urban lifestyles

Project details

  • Start date:
    February 1, 2018
  • End date:
    January 31, 2020
  • Location:
    Helsinki Metropolitan Area
  • Funded by:
    Aalto University
  • Objectives:

Project contact

Samira Ramezani

1. Previous institution: Aalto University; Current institution: University of Groningen

Team members

  • Marketta Kyttä
  • Tiina Rinne
  • Kamyar Hasanzadeh
  • Anna Kajosaari

Participating partners

Marketta Kyttä

Aalto University

Related publications

Ramezani, S. & Kyttä, M. (2018). Unlocking the complexity of residential location choice and transportation mode choice. Presented in the Aesop Annual Conference, July 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Ramezani, S., Hasanzadeh, K., Laatikainen, T., Kajosaari, A. & Kyttä, M. (2021). Residential relocation and travel behavior change: Investigating the effects of changes in the built environment, activity space dispersion, car and bike ownership, and travel attitudes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 147, 28-48. doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2021.02.016

Kajosaari, A. Ramezani, S. & Rinne, T (2022) Built environment and seasonal variation in active transportation: A longitudinal, mixed-method study in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Journal of Transport & Health, 27, 101511. doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2022.101511

Participatory Mapping Institute
Copyright 2020