The project, National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in Zanzibar (ZAN-SDI), piloted participatory mapping that included both local residents and planning experts in capturing place-based knowledge regarding coastal and marine activities, and their associated values, opportunities and threats on the North-East coast of Zanzibar. The North-East coast of Zanzibar is under immense human pressures emanating from rapid population growth, tourism development and uncontrolled natural resource extraction.
Our objective was to determine the potential of integrating the place-based local knowledge in the planning process, and help to model the complex demands-drivers interaction for the coastal socio-ecological system. Hence to support planners in making better coastal and marine management decisions. The PGIS was done in conjunction with the North-East Special Area Planning (NESAP) process that integrates marine and coastal areas so as to address those challenges. We organized two PGIS campaigns together with the Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Zanzibar. The first mapping involved experts from diverse fields, such as environmental management and social development and was done using a web-based mapping survey, Maptionnaire, with high-resolution satellite image as the mapping background. The second campaign consisted of workshops with village inhabitants from the planning area and was done using printout satellite and drone imagery of the localities. The collected data was then combined for GIS analysis and to inform planning decisions.
Käyhkö, N., Khamis, Z. A., Eilola, S., Virtanen, E., Muhammad, M. J., Viitasalo, M. & Fagerholm, N. (2019). The role of place-based knowledge in supporting integrated coastal and marine spatial planning in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Ocean & Coastal Management 117, 64-75.