This project aimed to explore the multiple values that urban residents have for open green spaces, and determine the kind of landscape features and configurations that contribute to these values. The context for this work was a rapidly urbanising region in the Hunter Valley, located on the east coast of Australia. Four suburban regions were selected as case studies, and participants mapped landscape values and important activities using paper maps as part of a mail-out survey. Results showed that a plurality of tangible and intangible values for green spaces are important to urban populations. This information informed a process of strategic regional planning in NSW, Australia.
Ives, C. D., Biggs, D., Hardy, M. J., Lechner, A. M., Wolnicki, M. & Raymond, C. M. (2015). Using social data in strategic environmental assessment to conserve biodiversity. Land Use Policy 47, 332-341.
Ives, C. D., Gordon, A., Oke, C., Raymond, C. M., Hehir, A. & Bekessy, S. A. (2018). Spatial scale influences how people value and perceive green open space. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61(12), 2133-2150.
Ives, C. D., Oke, C., Hehir, A., Gordon, A., Wang, Y. & Bekessy, S. A. (2017). Capturing residents’ values for urban green space: Mapping, analysis and guidance for practice. Landscape and Urban Planning 161, 32-43.