ActivAGE – Supportive environments for active ageing

Project description

Understanding the underlying factors that influence older people towards healthy lifestyle and physical activity is essential to planning healthy communities. In her PhD thesis project Tiina Rinne (nee Laatikainen) addressed this highly topical theme. While older citizens are particularly prone to the characteristics of their living environments, the research on built environments promoting physical activity among older people has been underrepresented in arenas shaping the future environments, such as, within urban planning. People’s relationships with the surrounding environments are formed through an active interaction with it through the whole life course, and at the same time the environment may either actively support or discourage personal attempts. Temporally and spatially unique everyday physical, social, and cultural environments shape this development. In ActivAGE we aim to further define critical characteristics of physical, social and cultural environments that contribute in helping older people being physically active within their everyday lives. A transactional person-environment view, where person-environment relationship is seen as a dynamic, interactive system works as a basic framework for this place-based study. The research is conducted using the concepts of personal projects, affordances and accessibility together with a public participatory geographical information system (PPGIS) approach.

Research themes

Child and age-friendly environments

Participatory planning

Justice and sustainability

Project details

  • Start date:
    September 1, 2015
  • End date:
    December 31, 2018
  • Location:
    Helsinki metropolitan area
  • Funded by:
    Finnish Ministry of Culture and Education
  • Objectives:

Project contact

Tiina Rinne

Aalto University

Participating partners

Marketta Kyttä

Aalto University

Hasanzadeh Kamyar

Aalto University

Related publications

Gottwald, S., Laatikainen, T. E. & Kyttä, M. (2016). Exploring the usability of PPGIS among older adults: challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30(12), 2321-2338.

Laatikainen, T. E., Hasanzadeh, K. & Kyttä, M. (2018). Capturing exposure in environmental health research: challenges and opportunities of different activity space models. International Journal of Health Geographics 17(1), 29.

Laatikainen, T. E. (2019). Environments for healthy and active ageing. Aalto University publication series Doctoral Dissertations 53/2019.

Ramezani, S., Laatikainen, T., Hasanzadeh, K. & Kyttä, M. (2019). Shopping trip mode choice of older adults: an application of activity space and hybrid choice models in understanding the effects of built environment and personal goals. Transportation 48, 505-536.

Laatikainen, T. E., Haybatollahi, M. & Kyttä, M. (2019). Environmental, individual and personal goal influences on older adults’ walking in the Helsinki metropolitan area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(1), 58.

Laatikainen, T. E., Broberg, A. & Kyttä, M. (2017). The physical environment of positive places: Exploring differences between age groups. Preventive Medicine 95, S85-S91.

Participatory Mapping Institute
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