A methodological framework for analysis of participatory mapping data

Project description

Today, various methods are applied to analyze the data collected through participatory mapping, including public participation GIS (PPGIS), participatory GIS (PGIS), and collecting volunteered geographic information (VGI). However, these methods lack an organized framework to describe and guide their systematic applications. Majority of the published articles on participatory mapping apply a specific subset of analyses that fails to situate the methods within a broader, more holistic context of research and practice. Based on the expert workshops and a literature review, we synthesized the existing analysis methods applied to the data collected through participatory mapping approaches. In this article, we present a framework of methods categorized into three phases: Explore, Explain, and Predict/Model. Identified analysis methods have been highlighted with empirical examples. The article particularly focuses on the increasing applications of online PPGIS and web-based mapping surveys for data collection. We aim to guide both novice and experienced practitioners in the field of participatory mapping. In addition to providing a holistic framework for understanding data analysis possibilities, we also discuss potential directions for future developments in analysis of participatory mapping data.

Research themes

Private: PPGIS and VGI methods development

Project details

  • Start date:
    January 1, 2021
  • End date:
    December 31, 2021
  • Location:
  • Funded by:
    This work was supported by the Academy of Finland under Grants 297753, 321555, and 13297753; BiodivERsA COFUND including support from the Belmont Forum, Horizon 2020, and Formas Grant 2018-02429; and Horizon 2020 Grant 856602.
  • Objectives:
    Synthesized the existing analysis methods applied to the data collected through participatory mapping approaches and present a framework of methods.

Project contact

Nora Fagerholm

University of Turku

Participating partners

Christopher M. Raymond

University of Helsinki

Anton Stahl Olafsson

Universtiy of Copenhagen

Gregory Brown

Califronia Polytechnic State University

Tiina Rinne

Aalto University

Kamyar Hasanzadeh

Aalto University

Anna Broberg

Mapita Ltd.

Marketta Kyttä

Aalto University

Related publications

Fagerholm, N., Raymond, C. M., Olafsson, A. S., Brown, G., Rinne, T., Hasanzadeh, K., Broberg, A. & Kyttä, M. (2021). A methodological framework for analysis of participatory mapping data in research, planning, and management. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35(9), 1848-1875.  doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2020.1869747

Hasanzadeh, K. (2022) Use of participatory mapping approaches for activity space studies: a brief overview of pros and cons. GeoJournal, 87, (4), 723-738. doi.org/10.1007/s10708-021-10489-0

Participatory Mapping Institute
Copyright 2020