• Our projects

    PMAP hosts a diversity of participatory mapping projects from around the world linked to the institute’s main themes. Join our network to add your projects to the website.
  • About the institute

    Our vision is to establish a global network of researchers and practitioners committed to moving beyond the state-of-the-art in public participation and participatory mapping systems.

Research themes

Child and age-friendly environments

Contact person: Marketta Kyttä, Tiina Rinne

More than half of the global population live in cities that are traditionally built without the child, youth or elderly in mind. Children’s independent mobility and their possibility for actualizing environmental affordances are most crucial and the most threatening aspects of environmental child-friendliness of our modern societies. Moreover, one core determinant of health in later life is how and where one lives. In this theme we examine what kinds of environments can support children, youth and older adults’ mobility, physical activity and everyday encounters. We also help researchers and planning practitioners find ways to facilitate and motivate diverse groups to move outdoors and to plan child and age-friendly environments.

Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash.

Participatory planning

Contact person: Marketta Kyttä

This theme focuses on the use of online PPGIS methods as a method to enhance public participation. Many countries have legislated to realize participatory planning in all urban and regional planning projects. Despite the legitimacy offered by participatory approaches, challenges remain how to implement participatory planning in practice. Participation is rarely comprehensive enough, while the data produced seldom translates into influential knowledge. Research in this field concentrates e.g. on how the views of participants can (1) smooth the planning and design processes and reduce the number of conflicts, (2) promote adaptation to continuously changing societal conditions, (3) strengthen recognition of the differing values of various actors. (4) support learning and knowledge-building and (5) help to achieve tangible regeneration outcomes It is also important to study what kind of new skills and professional roles planners need to develop more usable and effective participation practices,

Participatory Mapping Institute
Copyright 2020